Waiting for prince charming… take a seat

Talking about the nonsense that is prince charming, specially in the classics, Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Seriously the princes are basically useless, just like the princesses.
Yes, please ask why
It’s because they are passive stand byers. Come on, think about it what is one heroic thing they did? Kiss the girl?
I am a romantic at heart and a good kiss is always welcome, but seriously Prince Charming in Snow White makes two appearances, sings and kisses the girl, and then rides off to the horizon to live happily ever after.
Then, Cinderella, well he also made two appearances, in the ball to dance and at the end to ride the carriage to their happy ending.
The people who make the most in the movies are the evil person or the fairy god mother or the sidekicks.
The princesses just cry, sing, dance and wait. The princes fall in love (yeah right) with the pretty face of the lady, whom they don’t even know by name.
The heroes, or at least the characters who have more saying in the stories are the sidekicks or the evil ones.
Let’s see…
In Snow White everything starts with the Evil Step Mother/Queen, then when she decides to take matters in her own hands she does. Yay for taking the first step in solving your problems instead of waiting for a man to do it. Later, when she thought she won, heigh ho! The dwarves come in and boom, no more evil queen. At the end is when the prince shows his face and oh, so pretty face falls in love with a poisoned pretty face.  
Cinderella, evil step mother wants a servant, and well I could criticize Cinderella but seriously for the time being and the economy the smarter thing to do was being a servant in a house you know rather than being a homeless young woman on the streets. Anyway, yeah pretty-faced prince falls for pretty face in a ball, neither knew the name of the other but one romantic night of dancing ensured their love at first sight story. And who ensure the setting? The king for making the ball, the evil step mother by making the ball be a dream come true, the fairy godmother who made sure the dream came true as she went, and then the Grand duke who is the person looking for the Prince’s love. And the prince? Fine thanks, waiting for someone to do the hard work.
Lastly (for now)
Sleeping Beauty
They fell in love, they talked and danced. Then evil fairy’s spell is underway, and Aurora falls asleep. Who rescues her? Well the prince, but only because he is basically a puppet for the fairies' magic. The prince is more active in this case, but the trio of fairies are the ones who rescue him first, then they give him magic everything to defeat Maleficent, the shield, the sword, the aim, all magic. Without their magic he would’ve been imprisoned for a long time or toasted.
The idea of prince charming is cute, I am romantic after all, but if you are waiting for a prince charming, take a seat. Or go look for it, but don’t settle for the useless pretty-faced charming.

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