About Humanity's Stupidity

Any similarities with reality is probably true.
So, the other day my sister (Mery) wanted to watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame(just like everyday), obviously I couldn't stop my criticism once the movie started. First, they are really giving a bad, evil portrait of 'justice and law', not that it wasn't true for that time, or even for our own time. Second, well when in the "Festival of Fools" poor Quasimodo FINALLY decides to come out of the bell tower everyone freaks out, making him feel like a monster, that shows how stupid and easily manipulative and manipulated people are; started as everyone happy, and looking for "the ugliest face" to crown as the king of fools, then Quasimodo comes up and it so happens that HE has that face, but everyone freaks out at the sight of it; then Clopin (the buffoon or harlequin or whatever) comes up and says 'hey we have our winner, and everyone cheers (really!?!? manipulation and stupidity ring a bell? and its not our friend Quasi, trust me).

OK so everyone is happy willing to put aside the 'deformity and ugliness' of a person for a day because that's the day it is allow, so far so good. But, (oh yeah there is a but) there is always a bully who, because he didn't get the attention, is making matters into a cruel show; so there come the soldiers and start mocking Quasimodo, and again everyone follows as the good-brainless-asses they are. So they went from scared-freak-out of Quasimodo appearance, to 'yay the king of the festival' to making fun and bulling the poor guy because he is ugly.
What's wrong with people?
And then the only one willing to stand up for him is an outsider-outcast-different gypsy girl, Esmeralda (yay women!!). Let me add a break here, and I don't want people to think that I forgot this point: people in the movie, including Gypsys to a certain extend where all living under the same ruler who permited those atrocities, and forbided anyone who dare speak otherwise. Standing up against the activities was going against the rules, thus endangering oneself. Since the gypsys were already being persecuted, well what else would it matter to make another offense to the authorities if it meant to help someone. So again only one already in trouble would trouble herself to help someone. But, ohhh yeah another but, people would cheer for the gypsy girl and her bravery, but won't help.

Ok enough of this.
Now onto the church. Actually the way they portray the church and "people of God".

First the villain, Frolo, he acts and thinks like he is the sh... saint, and holy and what not. But he is a psycho, racist, ethnocentric, and egocentric cruel guy, who classifies anything that he doesn't approve of as unholy or devil's work, and anyone who doesn't follow his commands is a sinner, thief etc. Not that it doesn't happen in real life as well, that kind of person is what makes this world go nuts. On the good side we have a priest (yay) who actually represents what the church is about, obviously, since he is a good and true representation of the church, he appears only twice in the movie, great appereances by the way (stoooop!!!!-cried the archbishop).
Anyway, there is a part where Esmeralda is trap in the church because she claimed sanctuary, aaand! since is a Disney movie here comes a song, and the other people in the church sing too (of course, everyone in the movie knows the lyrics). The gypsy sings and asks (since she is a gypsy she is not praying but the others are suppose to be praying) "for nothing for her, but help for those less fortunate than her" and oh surprise the ones that were "praying" ask for money, fortune, glory, and love (not God's love but love of someone because they are lonely). Not that it isn't true that people do that a lot, but really!? That's the almost unique way people see the church, wow! thanks Disney, way to present it (still love the movies). Again only the outcast is the one asking for 'world peace' and the rest 'good' people are too busy asking for themselves to notice there are problems.
And, to finish with cherry on top, when Quasimodo is going back to the bell tower he is being reprimanded by the people who were praying because he had caused enough trouble...
That's it for now, we had to stop the movie because homework was calling...


  1. Also... why would a man-of-God hire someone as captain of the guard who is named Phoebos? Phoebos is the sun god in mythology,,, a PAGAN god in a PAGAN religion... just saying

    1. i envy the way you look at the different aspects of life... amazing interpretation!!!! :)

