A girl worth fighting for... maybe not...

Movie night, everyone enjoying, me? Criticizing, since like my nephew (thanks Ricky) so finely pointed out I don't have a "girl worth fighting for" ... my answer - I don't want one thank you very much, I'll rather have a boy, but anyway, back to the song...

"we've been
marching off to battle...
Our aching feet aren't
easy to ignore
Hey, think of instead
A girl worth fighting for"

Ok, so, they are going to battle, are tired, and do realize their chances of getting hurt or killed are high, thinking of a girl worth fighting for makes it more bearable, so far so good, but then...

"I want her paler than the
moon with eyes that
shine like stars"

Here comes aesthetics, his girl worth fighting for have to be describe physically, I wouldn't mind much if later he said she's smart and funny, or something about her personality instead of just physical, but no...

"My girl will marvel at
my strength, adore my
battle scars"

She has to praise the guy for his strength, is that what matters? Does the guy has nothing of personality to offer, just his strength...

"I couldn't care less what she'll
wear or what she looks like (good... Until)
It all depends on what
she cooks like"

Food...Well after all the way to a man's heart is through his stomach...

"...You can guess what we
have missed the most
Since we went off to war
What do we want?
A girl worth fighting for"

Ok you do, and that is nice, but why do you miss her? Just because she is pretty and since you have been with a bunch of guys training for war, you haven't seem amything pretty? or because no one has marveled at your strength since all are warriors, or because their food sucks.

"My girl will think I have no faults
That I'm a major find
(Yeah righ)
How 'bout a girl who's got a brain
Who always speaks her mind?"
Yes please... But they say
"NAH" ...

"My manly ways and turn of
phrase are sure to thrill her"

Mmm no honey, I don't think so...
Well actulally maybe if you only want a pretty face in your girl.

Well, though I do love Mulan, and this song, I still think is a bit ridiculous in the description of 'a girl worth fighting for'. In total we have a pretty girl, who admires strong guys and knows how to cook, in other words not me, I’m useless in the kitchen and hate when I go  to the gum amd see the eanna be strong shoeoff guys. Definitely not my ideals for a boy worth fighting for either... What you think

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